
To Bama Nation (to bomb a nation)

January 22, 2009

“Conformities are called for much more eagerly today than yesterday… skeptics, liberals, individuals with a taste for private life and their own inner standards of behavior, are objects of fear and derision and targets of persecution for either side… in the great ideological wars of our time.”

Isaiah Berlin

I’ve had this in my craw for two weeks now, waiting for the inauguration, waiting for at least some of the frenzy to die down. Frankly, I was kinda scared to write this simply because I knew how emotional people were about the subject.

Barack Obama

Good Looking, Charismatic, Incredibly Intelligent, Genius Communicator. The man that makes thugs cry and women weak in the knees.

The perfect rock star with perfect marketability, add a cool slogan. Can’t lose. The media’s wet dream.

Barack Obama

Nothing less than a 21st Century phenomenon.

I first took notice of  Obama during the campaign for the U.S. Presidency. I have a group of ladies that train with me in the afternoons and everytime I saw them they were swooning about Barack. Obama, Obama, Obama…

The first time I saw him speak it was during the debates (quite late for most folk), my personal opinion was that he made McCain look like an idiot. Like white trash in fact.

He impressed me with his effortless way with words. I couldn’t even tell you what he said, it just sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

Of course, the elections were earth shattering, it was incredibly emotional. Finally, our 40 acres and a mule. The first BLACK President. Amazing! The times they are a changing. Most definitely! Tears of joy flowed across the globe. What was even more impressive was the two speeches that followed, first McCain then the genius orator, The president-elect Obama. His speech was awe-inspiring. I myself was completely stirred by the man. Who wouldn’t be?

After his “landslide” victory,  I watched with annoyance at all the expectations that the world had on this poor man, as if he was now the first WORLD President, the leader of the free world and not only that, but that he would have all the answers to the worlds ailments.

I saw his bio on CNN in December, while again entertained and inspired by his singleness of purpose, his brilliance, and his rise to prominence in such a short time I remember thinking it seemed a little… “rushed”.

FAST FORWARD: January 3rd, 2009.

I’m flipping through the channels, maybe about 7 o’clock in the morning having just rolled outta bed, there’s nothing much on (I don’t have cable, thank you), anyway I switch to CVM, and I see this televangelist, normally I would’ve switched, but he said two words that made me pause 1) Obama and 2) Bilderberg, Ok, dude..now you’ve got my attention, what the hell are you yapping about? Well, the pastor’s name was Leighton D. Smith and he was talking about the fact that the majority of Obama’s cabinet are Bilderbergers.

No, you lie, not true. I refuse to believe.

Well, Of course I did my own research and it seems to be very true.

Ok, you ask. What the hell is a Bilderberger?

Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri Lateral Commision, House of Rothschild


Mention any of these groups/ organizations and most conspiracy theorists have little deaths. They are actually the subjects of the many rantings of Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and David Icke to name a few.

Basically these groups comprise the global financial and political elite and their goal is to transfer nearly all economic and political power into the hands of their small little group.

The possibility of this lies in the successful construction of what they call the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Sounds a little far fetched, right?. A little extremist, right?. A little crazy and paranoid, right? WRONG!!!!!

Everything is going according to plan.

For those of you who are paying attention, you will see certain social patterns unfolding over the past twenty years, you will see how more and more power is being transferred into less and less hands. I know you are too busy to look into such foolishness but I beg you to.

The Pharmaceutical Industry, Media/Entertainment, Agriculture, Education and Defense all are becoming monopolized.

Everything is being orchestrated to this end, If you have been watching the 9/11 saga unfold you will see a new foreign policy unfolding, the patriot act, surveillance, microchips, etc.

A One World Gov’t where the citizens give up their rights to be led by an all powerful, all knowing “body” that gives them the illusion of comfort, convenience and security. .

If you listen to Obama’s speech in Berlin. He talks about exactly that, but because of his sincerity you will believe it’s a good thing, you will believe the Black White Knight in shining armour knows what’s best and he would never mislead us, cuz he’s one of us, right?. The little negro boy who came from nothing, worked hard in school and becomes the most powerful man on Earth.

Think again.

Apparently, they have found that Obama and Bush to be 11th cousins, that’s right, another blue blood running America (only 2 presidents have NOT been, Lincoln and Kennedy—-any similarities between the two?)

Obama will have you believe that the one world scenario is the only thing that will get us out of this financial crisis.

Do you hear the symphony?

There is NO financial crisis, just like there was NO oil crisis, and NO food crisis. And NO “choosing” a  “better” President/ Prime Minister. Just orchestrations to get you afraid, divided and distracted to be manipulated into giving up your freedom to think, question and oppose. Orchestrations, that after the smoke clears the same people that planned them, end up with obscene amounts of additional wealth.

In the documentary on his life, he moved out of community outreach into politics, after losing the democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives to four-term incumbent Bobby Rush he was instructed by a mentor of his to learn the “politics game”.

He did so masterfully, it is how he garnered so much support in such a short time.

Remember, even if all the above isn’t totally true. Obama is a MASTER politician, he will know how to give and take, to walk the line, to play the game, to maintain the illusion. Politicians pander to the powers that be, whether to the public (ha!) or the higher ups. Unfortunately, in most cases, as in this one, the American people do not elect the president, the Electoral College does. The popular vote rarely matters.

So, Obama will do as he is told or he will be gone.

For every small crumb he gives to the little man, the big man will get the hog.

Don’t kill the messenger!

I pray I am wrong, I hope everyone is better in 4 years. I hope we can still feel like we own our life.

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